Vegina Posterior Repair

This surgery is required when the vagina and the rectum are no VAGINA POSTERIOR REPAIR longer held properly to their respective positions. The rectum drops down onto the back of the vagina and shows out as a bulge. This bulge is called a prolapse and a prolapsed rectum is called a rectocele. This situation causes the rectum not to empty properly when needed. The prolapse gives a lot of discomfort in the vagina. The most common reasons are due to overstretch of the supports to the vagina and rectum during pregnancy. In most cases it gets back to the normal position.


The operation tightens up the supports to the rectum and removes the bulge in the vagina.

The patient is administered general anesthesia and be completely asleep. An incision is made through the posterior of the vagina and the supports to the rectum are shortened with stitches and the bulging part of the vagina cut away. This relieves the weakness. The wound in the vagina is closed with sutures. Hospitalization for about six days is required after this surgery.


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