Breast Implant

Breast implant surgery is a procedure in which a silicone shell is implanted into the breast. An incision is made Breast implant in the crease of the armpit, beneath the nipple, underneath the breast or in the abdomen to insert the implant. The incision is made with a special instrument which helps create a space for the implant. A bandage will be applied over your breasts for two days after surgery to speed up healing.

All breast implants utilize a silicone shell but contain different kinds of filler, gel or saline. The outer silicone shell may be smooth shiny and polished, or a slightly rough texture. Breasts augmented with the textured implants are less likely to develop contracting capsules than those with the smooth implants.


There are two techniques adopted for placing implants. The options are discussed between the patient and the surgeon prior surgery to adopt the most suitable one. The implants can be placed under the breast tissue and over the chest muscle or under the chest muscle and breast tissue.

The procedure takes approximately one hour and is done under local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia. The surgeon will decide the most suited in consultation with the patient.

All dressings and bandages will be removed on the third day following the operation following which the patient can bathe as usual. Basic exercises and movements as adviced by the doctor has to be done to improve breast contour and assist healing.


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