Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery is done to make the breast appear higher and to reposition the nipple.


There are different techniques that can be adopted and it involves reshaping of the tissue and fat and removal of the excess skin. The operation is done with the patient asleep under general anesthesia.

The method is tailored to each patient. Incisions are made along the natural creases in the breast and around the dark pink skin surrounding the nipple (areola). A common method of surgery adopted is to mark the new nipple position. Then with the blood supply of the nipple preserved on a pedicle of tissue, the excess breast is removed. The nipple is then moved into its new position and the new breast shape is reconstructed. The incision is often around the nipple and on the under surface of the breast, like an upside down T.

The surgery takes 1 to 3 hours. After the procedure the area is wrapped in an elastic bandage or gauze dressing with surgical bra. The dressings will be replaced by a soft bra which needs to be worn for several weeks. A suitable drain is positioned to drain the fluids from the surgical area. This will be removed usually the next day.

Cold compress or ice packs are used to remove swelling if any. There may be loss of sensation around the nipple and area of incision. This would return in due course of time.


Get an appointment with us and get the resolution ASAP