Reshaping Septal Deviation correction(Nose)

Septoplasty is an operation that corrects any problems in the wall (nasal septum) that separates theSeptoplasty is an operation that corrects any problems in the wall (nasal septum) two sides of the nose.

The goal of septoplasty is to straighten out and change the position of the septum inside the nose to relieve blockages or other structural problems. It could be performed along with rhinoplasty, which is a cosmetic procedure. Unlike rhinoplasty, septoplasty may be performed in order to improve the efficiency of the nose by making it easier to breathe.

The procedure involves making changes to the septum, which is the firm yet flexible wall that is located in the center of the nose. For those requiring a septoplasty, the septum may be located to the left of the right side of the nose rather than in the middle. Therefore, the job of the surgeon is to re-center the septum so the nose can efficiently inhale and exhale air.


A cut is made inside the wall of one side of the nose. The mucus membrane is lifted up and away and anything that is blocking the area is removed or moved as needed. Then, the mucus membrane is put back in its original position. The tissues covering the wall are held in place by either stitches or packing. The main reasons for this surgery are:

▣ Deformity of the wall between the nostrils
▣ Obstruction to nasal airway
▣ Headache due to Septal spur
▣ Uncontrollable nosebleeds

Nasal airway blockage is usually the result of a deformed septum. People with this condition usually breathe by mouth and get nasal infections. A septal spur headache is a headache caused by pressure from the inside of the nose (septal impaction), which goes away when an anesthetic is placed on the area.Chances of excessive bleeding, infection and return of the nasal obstruction are the other possible risks associated with this.


The nostrils will be tightly packed (stuffed with cotton materials) to avoid nosebleeds. The material is usually removed 24 - 36 hours after surgery.

Blowing of the nose or holding your breath has to be avoided and tightening your muscles while bearing down for a bowel movement for a few days after surgery. Ice packs on the nose may help relieve pain.


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